The thing with Koreans is that they are just damn too cute and we can't help but love and admire them from their heartwarming dramas down to their high-end fashion trend.
I'll start off with the new Korean drama, City Hunter. One word, ecstatic! I love Lee Min Hyu if I spelled it correctly, popularly known as Gu Jun Pyu from his previous drama, F4. Who wouldn't, he looks good for me and is cute. He is cuter in City Hunter than F4.
Next is the leading lady. Though it would be expected that most will hate the girl because of the "caribal" stuff with Lee Min Hyu, I didn't because she is cute too. I mean I like the way she dresses and everything seems to be perfect in her.
Then, last their trends. I haven't posted pics of the guy since I'll be talking more with the girl trend.hehe But anyway just for additional information. City Hunter a.k.a. Lee Min Hyu is I guess the first detective, stunt, action star or whatever to be fashionista at heart as well. You could tell it by the different colors of his jeans.
Now getting to the main topic, the Kim Nana Headband Craze. This headband has been already out before City Hunter even started. The headbands seemed to be weird since instead of wearing it as headband, they wear it like a crown (I don't exactly know how to describe it). But it was just lately when the ribbon effect turned into a craze everytime Kim Nana wears it as a daily accessory paired with her cute pajamas. Just look below.
And because I can't get enough with it by just watching the movie, I've gone to malls just to look for it. Luckily, I've found one. It's not exactly the same with Kim Nana's becasue hers is like a band that really encircles the head. What I found was the typical one well it was just too perfect, almost the exact replica.
After I bought it, I didn't wait to arrive home to finally wear it instead I went straight to the comfort room, opened the plastic and wear it. I even took a pic. Take a look at.
By the time I arrived home, still I was the whole time making poses with the headband.
Just out of the blue, I decided to put our pics together. Well, not to show some similarities because obviously there are none but the Kim Nana Headband Craze.hehe
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Day 21: Kim Nana Headband Craze
92 Days Solo Flight,
girls shop savers
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 16: I Started My Valentines Day With A Shock
Nah I am just happy for today. For almost 8 days of no new posts here, boy all of you must be worried as to what happen to my 92 days of solo flight plan.
But anyway yup, though I'll be spending this day alone at least a shocking news have lifted my spirits up for Valentines. It is all about my blogging career, everything is getting visible now. Thanks to this first and a year old blog, I was able to get some benefits and advantages. Indeed age does matter.
To give you a clue, you can observe the blank post at the sidebar. Nah, that's my surprise and soon you'll be seeing it.
My real agenda really for today is to go to SM to see for myself the ala Eiffel tower for a touch of "Lovers in Paris" for Valentines. Then, watch the movie "The Vow" afterwards alone. So imagine going to SM which is way far far from my home and I'll gonna travel by myself.
But because of again my overdue articles, at least I have some pretty good excuse to just stay at home. Plus, the news that I just got minutes ago which is something that would really keep me in staying home.
So that's it, I'll be tracing back the days that I have missed on posting and do some "make-up" posts.
Ola Amigas...:-)
But anyway yup, though I'll be spending this day alone at least a shocking news have lifted my spirits up for Valentines. It is all about my blogging career, everything is getting visible now. Thanks to this first and a year old blog, I was able to get some benefits and advantages. Indeed age does matter.
To give you a clue, you can observe the blank post at the sidebar. Nah, that's my surprise and soon you'll be seeing it.
My real agenda really for today is to go to SM to see for myself the ala Eiffel tower for a touch of "Lovers in Paris" for Valentines. Then, watch the movie "The Vow" afterwards alone. So imagine going to SM which is way far far from my home and I'll gonna travel by myself.
But because of again my overdue articles, at least I have some pretty good excuse to just stay at home. Plus, the news that I just got minutes ago which is something that would really keep me in staying home.
So that's it, I'll be tracing back the days that I have missed on posting and do some "make-up" posts.
Ola Amigas...:-)
92 Days Solo Flight,
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 8: When In Doubt, Pray
I woke up and I was saddened by the Facebook statuses talking about earthquakes updated 30 minutes ago and so on. I can't even imagine how it was because I was in my most soundless sleep.
I am really into signs but of course in my Roman Catholic Side. My visit to Church yesterday just suddenly came into my mind and I thought of God. Well, I am always thinking of God.
Then, I read this post. It was something that I could relate.
Me: God can I ask you a question?
God: Sure
Me: Promise you won't get mad
God: I promise
Me: Why did you let so much stuff happen to me today?
God: What do you mean?
Me: Well, I woke up late,
God: Yes
Me: My car took forever to start,
God: Okay
Me: at lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait,
God: Huummmm...
Me: On the way home, my phone went DEAD, just as I picked up a call.....
God: All right
Me: And on top of it all off, when I got home ~I just want to soak my feet in my new foot massager & relax. BUT it wouldn't work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did you do that?
God: Let me see, the Death Angel was at your bed this morning & I had to send one of the other angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that.
Me (humbled): OH
GOD: I didn't let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.
Me (ashamed): .........
God: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick & I didn't want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn't afford to miss work.
Me (embarrassed): Ok
God: Your phone went dead bcuz the person that was calling was going to give false witness about what you said on that call, I didn't even let you talk to them so you would be covered.
Me (softly): I see God
God: Oh and that foot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn't think you wanted to be in the dark.
Me: I'm sorry God
God: Don't be sorry, just learn to trust all things, the good & the bad.
Me: I will trust you
God: And don't doubt that my plan for your day is always better than your plan.
Me: I won't God. And let me just tell you God, thank you for everything today.
God: You're welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I love looking after my children......
God knows what he does.
So what if my soundless sleep was really made for a purpose? That God wanted me to keep away from the worries or even a mere panic regarding earthquake?
I may sound selfish but this is how I view life. Everything happens for a reason and God always have the best reasons.
I was not supposed to question something in regards with God. So I take it back and instead thank him for this day.
Yesterday, I lit those three candles for my petitions. Orange because it signifies career or education. One was supposed to be enough but then maybe I needed some extras for the rest of the people all around the world.
Don't worry everyone is included in those 3 lit candles.
When In Doubt, Pray!
92 Days Solo Flight,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 7: Behind The Facade
My last post was about Unstoppable Shopping hence, this should be entitled The Should-Be Stoppable Window Shopping.
The latter should be stopped or else I'll be spending in one way or another if I still stayed for a few hours in the fitting room. But then I chose Behind The Facade because since it was a holy day, Sunday, I had to be in my most presentable self. But after the one hour Eucharistic Celebration, there I was showing what was behind.
I was actually wearing the UK Flag shorts inside because of course I was wearing a chiffon dress. At least, I can be prepared for a Madonna skirt flying in any circumstances because I was confident with my nice design shorts.
I was again in my itchy Photoshop skill, doing some effort with the pic above.
See the transformation? From Manang to Madam!haha I know! The yellow pancho cover or whatsoever was not a match. Well, the perfect cardigan for that was in the laundry so I had no choice but to settle with that. Mmmmh I could go without it but because it's sheer, I had to.
That should be censored.haha The top was way too much of a sheer.
At least the pic above was the only one that had emphasized the two tone color combination of the sheer top. It was orange and hot pink. It was still nice though. I remember one wedding event had this kind of motif. Cute!
Yeah right, I had been talking all about the top when in fact I did not even buy it. But why did not I even mention about the shorts?
Well, if you like it. I have available stocks in my online shop, Wholesale CDO Hope you'll find time to visit it.
That's it. Now I'm loving Sundays and looking forward to the next.
92 Days Solo Flight,
My Online Store,
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 6: Unstoppable Online Shopping
Up for a guessing game? As much as I want to show you the pieces I bought online, I decide to come up with this one because of my very creative plan in mind once these are delivered already.
Something that will keep you guessing?
Well, it's not really the high fashion, super in right now clothes. I have tons of those already so the end result, nothing is left for daily wear. Mmmmh let me think. Do you think it's plain normal of me wearing a palazzo when just going to a park?haha Exactly!
So the ones I have ordered are meant for my daily outdoor wears or the typical come-what-may "lakwatsa". Since I am an online seller as well at Wholesale CDO, I have all the access to my direct suppliers of buying wholesale items at a very low price. You can notice the varieties or the blocks which are 6pcs. Familiar? Like 6pcs wholesale / pre-pack?
Then the border is the most thing that I like. It is a candy colored "_______" perfect for summer.
Come back for my soon post. Let me see if you get the answer right. What do you think are these?
Something that will keep you guessing?
Honestly I have made drafts for my pictorial and I can't wait to finally wear those and pose for the so called "shooting".
Well, it's not really the high fashion, super in right now clothes. I have tons of those already so the end result, nothing is left for daily wear. Mmmmh let me think. Do you think it's plain normal of me wearing a palazzo when just going to a park?haha Exactly!
So the ones I have ordered are meant for my daily outdoor wears or the typical come-what-may "lakwatsa". Since I am an online seller as well at Wholesale CDO, I have all the access to my direct suppliers of buying wholesale items at a very low price. You can notice the varieties or the blocks which are 6pcs. Familiar? Like 6pcs wholesale / pre-pack?
Then the border is the most thing that I like. It is a candy colored "_______" perfect for summer.
Come back for my soon post. Let me see if you get the answer right. What do you think are these?
92 Days Solo Flight,
girls shop savers,
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 5: Proven Productive Work
Funny it is, but the comments I received from my last post of Cooking with Gas, most were confused as to what its real meaning was. Well, it was actually an idiomatic expression. So with this post, no more idioms to avoid confusions.
But hope you allow me to make one. The one you call jejemon or in psychiatric or medical term, neologism.:-) So if I was cooking with gas from my last post then for now the gas was already Now that's more confusing.

Getting back to the real topic which is the picture from above, yes the whole day was indeed a very productive one. I am working home-based and online having my room as my main office. The problem is because of the big bed displayed in the main office / room, I am always tempted to sleep. Even by just the look at it, I am cast with a spell of sleepiness.
So a while ago when I had a conversation with my employer, the wifi connection was not really working well. So, I figured I need to transfer to another spot. My next office was our mini canteen. Good thing it was already 3pm in the afternoon when customers were fading to numbers so I had all the space to get myself working.
And honestly, I did finish a couple of articles. The venue was really conducive for working, I was able to think clearly. Plus with all the food displayed, I'll be hitting two birds with one stone for my other goal of gaining weight.
From that on, I'll be working their starting tomorrow and on and on. Now that gets me excited on working there everday. :-)
But hope you allow me to make one. The one you call jejemon or in psychiatric or medical term, neologism.:-) So if I was cooking with gas from my last post then for now the gas was already Now that's more confusing.

Getting back to the real topic which is the picture from above, yes the whole day was indeed a very productive one. I am working home-based and online having my room as my main office. The problem is because of the big bed displayed in the main office / room, I am always tempted to sleep. Even by just the look at it, I am cast with a spell of sleepiness.
So a while ago when I had a conversation with my employer, the wifi connection was not really working well. So, I figured I need to transfer to another spot. My next office was our mini canteen. Good thing it was already 3pm in the afternoon when customers were fading to numbers so I had all the space to get myself working.
And honestly, I did finish a couple of articles. The venue was really conducive for working, I was able to think clearly. Plus with all the food displayed, I'll be hitting two birds with one stone for my other goal of gaining weight.
From that on, I'll be working their starting tomorrow and on and on. Now that gets me excited on working there everday. :-)
92 Days Solo Flight,
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 4: Cooking with Gas
Cookies are love. The most accessible finger food I could access anytime even at the wee hours of the day. The result? I am now cooking with gas.
I have to. After a day of facing the laptop working out with articles and getting almost nothing done I then finally found a way to do it efficiently. NOW I am cooking with gas! How through feeding my stomach with good foodies.
I really need to be consistent. It seems that my mood is having an alternate pattern of working efficiently today, not so the next day and then back again a day after.
I just can't understand why I can't stay put in my study because honestly I finish more articles on my bed in a prone position. Yes that's true and I am suffering backaches.
I think I am having ADHD tendencies, being so restless and can't focus with one work for a period of time. I need to get distracted with other things to remember that one thing I need to focus. Hope you can follow that.
But anyway at least now I found a secret. The cookies are from Dessert Strip. It's my sister's so I have all the accessibility to purchase fresh from the oven because they are baking right inside our place.
Dessert Strip is located at the 2nd floor Robinsons Mall Cagayan de Oro City, right before you enter the grocery. Different varieties are available like cakes, pastries, bars, rhum balls, pies, cookies and a whole lot more. They also allow personalized orders. So the right way to do is to click the link and you'll be directed to their facebook page showing you more choices.
92 Days Solo Flight,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Day 3: Don't Agonize, Organize!
Don't agonize. Organize.--Florence Kennedy
And so I spent the whole day buying groceries and stuffs for my room makeover. Food for my goal to gain weight and stuffs to finally organize my room at least one step at a time.
One thing that gets me excited when going to Malls is the Japan Home store. I love the stuffs especially for the home decorations and organizations. Also, because I just love buying and shopping.
It took me an hour to decide the stuffs I wanted to buy. I got hold of three different types of organizers and ended with the candy colorful sets of mini storage containers. Of course I always go for design, quality and affordability.
Most of the products there are all 66, 88, 99. Then, the first two types of organizers I got hold of cost 88 each and I needed two for that. So, the price was not too affordable. But when I was already in line to purchase it, I saw cute colorful sets of mini storage containers packed in 3. I asked the cashier how much and it only costs 66. I bought two sets of different shapes and variations.
Once I arrived home, I did not waste any time to organize my stuffs. Below is my before and after photos. I am so happy with the results.
92 Days Solo Flight,
girls shop savers,
Girls stuffs
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