Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The New Girl Pilot Episode

Posted by germz at 6:21 AM
Okay! Here is one secret that had kept my mouth from saying blah blah blahs and telling you lah lah lah... whatsoever. It is something I go crazy all over that I could get myself hurt and jump in a couch just to have a one-on-one session with this secret of mine. Nah, honestly it's just something every girls love or do but different for me. Something is just a normal daily activity, the thing you do everyday but might happen to be against your will. Do these even ring a bell? So this secret goes like something to every other girls out there but everything to me. Now you get me?

It's actually my here-comes-a-new-tv-show-and-I-gotta-watch-this and then I start to be addicted something like addicted-in-the-first-few-episodes-and-just-fades then, I don't even know when, why or how. I guess my inconsistency in most stuffs have made me retained in such a way that I lose my desire immediately in a particular thing. Like how I got addicted to a Philippine TV series, My Binondo girl and how my highly addictive dose has totally worn off that I had not kept track of the latest episodes. And now I am looking forward to that coming or start to estimate the days, weeks or months if even possible of my TV series therapy--consists of 1 session with 18 episodes, the standard span of TV shows. Or should I consult a doctor and ask for a change of prescription of my therapy? What do you think so?

New Girl on Fox TV is the big secret revealed. I came across with it in twitter trends--New Girl. Speaks for myself huh. It somewhat describes my whole being because I am easily attracted to new stuffs. But this could be great because new can mean positivity in life living for a change so at least in my life I am actually looking for something. Now the question is when am I ever gonna find that something.

So, I googled this New Girl hoping to find a site which streams its episodes and luckily I have found it but only after numerous sites which made my life miserable for like 30 minutes. So what is this all about?

I'll start with the title, a new girl who intentionally arrived at a new place with of course new people after the "honey came in and she caught me red-handed" scene with his boyfriend. A bit of exaggerated. Just forget about the "caught me red-handed" part it was only a surprised bare-naked thing for his boyfriend with all the memorized song lines, staging and a little ribbon prop to cover her little flower then, came the girl his guy was hooking. How traumatic would it be. I mean the efforts were just thrown to trash and that includes his bf of being dumped. Sadly, I guess she herself is neither exempted nor deserved an immunity because she decided to transfer this new place. And the new people I was talking about are her roomates slash boys. Yes, I mean 1 girl and 3 boys in one apartment. How do you like that?

Now watch this. Click the image below and you'll be redirected to a site.



Nadia Cayco on September 29, 2011 at 8:13 AM said...

Oh my. I need to watch this!


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