But hope you allow me to make one. The one you call jejemon or in psychiatric or medical term, neologism.:-) So if I was cooking with gas from my last post then for now the gas was already cooked.lol Now that's more confusing.
![online jobs](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/430771_322655171111332_100001005540504_925255_1480386787_n.jpg)
Getting back to the real topic which is the picture from above, yes the whole day was indeed a very productive one. I am working home-based and online having my room as my main office. The problem is because of the big bed displayed in the main office / room, I am always tempted to sleep. Even by just the look at it, I am cast with a spell of sleepiness.
So a while ago when I had a conversation with my employer, the wifi connection was not really working well. So, I figured I need to transfer to another spot. My next office was our mini canteen. Good thing it was already 3pm in the afternoon when customers were fading to numbers so I had all the space to get myself working.
And honestly, I did finish a couple of articles. The venue was really conducive for working, I was able to think clearly. Plus with all the food displayed, I'll be hitting two birds with one stone for my other goal of gaining weight.
From that on, I'll be working their starting tomorrow and on and on. Now that gets me excited on working there everday. :-)
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