This movie was shown in theaters last August 10 somewhere not in the Philippines. (I think since I have not heard of this not even whispers.) Honestly speaking, I am just drawn by the vintage outfits the stars are all wearing and not the plot. But also because I have not seen this yet. I am still currently downloading a copy. Can't you see what I am seeing too?
Wearing that yellow corset-type jumpsuit would be oh so vintage. I would love trying to pose with an old telephone too. Plus that cat-eye sunglasses and perfected with blonde curls and white skin.
Then, who would ever forget the Easy A Star Emma Stone?(from the pic above.) For a change, she's now aiming for that real A, writing stories behind the African-american servants' stories.
Nah..., I just seem to like the dresses part here.
But this part here is different. Getting serious with writing, huh!
Now, I have no reason not to watch this. I started this so I definitely end this with a popcorn, soda and movie reviews afterwards besides the trailer is somehow catchy...
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